Opera på kino: "Carmen"

Endelig er vi tilbake igjen med opera på kino.Velkommen til Georges Bizet sin Carmen! Vi viser den torsdag 6. februar kl. 1730 i sal 3 med encore lørdag 8. februar kl. 15.00 i LUX. Baren er åpen ca. en halvtime før hver av forestillingene.
Om operaen:
Don José, a serviceman, falls under the spell of Carmen, a gypsy woman he has let escape when he was supposed to arrest her. After several months together, Carmen tires of her jealous lover and falls in love with the toreador Escamillo. Whereas Don José’s mother gets ill, Micaëla is unable to make him go back to their village. Don José is desperate to win back Carmen.By adapting Prosper Mérimée’s novella Carmen, Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Halévy wrote one of the most famous librettos in the history of opera. Calixto Bieito’s production is positionned in a relatively abstract spatiotemporal environment. In a setting marked by the emptiness of barren landscapes, the characters’ appetite for life and their destructive passions unveil at breakneck speed.Opera in 4 acts, sung in French.
Recorded at the Paris Opera / Opéra Bastille on July 16, 2017.Velkommen til en kveld i operaen - på kino!